Local knowledge. Established relationships. This is the foundation of the success Pasha Beigi has found in the real estate business–and what carried him through some of the most turbulent times the industry has ever seen!

Inspiration, Pasha says, came in one of the most unexpected places: an Internet cafe. “This guy came in–it was a Fall day, raining and cloudy. He said he had to use the phone, so I gave him mine. He called his private helicopter company, of all things!

“And I was 19 at the time; I was a young, impressionable kid looking to have a career in something. He said he sold houses… and looking back, the draw for me was, ‘Wow, this guy is living the most interesting life. I wonder if his career’s just as interesting?’”

Since then, Pasha has thrown himself into the world of both sales and real estate… and has become a self-made expert in both. “When I was starting out, I didn’t understand how sales work. I jumped on a team and was there for about three months learning the ins and outs of just sales. And also, to be honest with you, how to run a team. I saw what the pros and the cons were there and carried that forward with my own team.”

How the Real Estate Landscape Changed During the COVID-19 Pandemic–and How Successful Realtors Shifted to Match It

Having entered the industry in 2017, Pasha felt equipped to take on the tumultuous real estate climate through 2020 and beyond.

How? It all boiled down to human connection, he says–especially because that was something that people were craving during the pandemic.

“I’ve met clients on walks, at the grocery store… even at the gym,” Pasha says. “An example would be: I once gave a lacrosse ball to a guy at the gym because he was just using a foam roller and guess what? He’s bought two houses with me since then. My meetings with people aren’t real estate-related, and forming those genuine pre-existing connections before the pandemic helped us sail through it.”

Pasha blends that authenticity with one key factor: good marketing. “As a realtor, your competition is usually the number one realtor in town,” Pasha explains. “But those guys, they’ll take the sale every time. However, if you come into the industry with the mindset of, ‘I want to be on their level’, you’ll quickly understand the importance of quality marketing. I mean, anyone can slap copy on their website–and other realtors can plagiarize that. But the experience is substantially different when you hire a copywriter who lives in your town and understands the pain points of your clients. Every single part of your marketing is being judged–so you have to make sure it connects.”

The Future is Bright for Pasha and His Team

No two clients are the same, and Pasha and his team take this idea to the next level through their blend of connection and quality marketing.

Learn more about Pasha and his Personal Real Estate Corporation at pashabeigi.com.